About Da Vinci

Da Vinci software can be used to perform technical computations such as analysis, simulation, post-processing, and visualization. It consists of a graphical Integrated Development Environment (IDE), an object oriented scripting language, numerical function libraries for math, and 2D and 3D plotting tools.

The scripting language, Hyper, is a general purpose object oriented interpreted scripting language with an emphasis on technical computation. Hyper combines powerful object oriented programming (OOP) with an easy to use interpretive environment. Hyper can be used in two different modes: interactive and batch script. The interactive mode has some shell like commands (similar to Linux/Unix/DOS) which provide utility functions. In addition to the scripting, programs can also be written in Java, compiled and imported into the Hyper's interpretive environment. The imported classes in the compiled java binary can be accessed as easily as accessing the classes written in Hyper scripting language. In fact, any pre-compiled java classes can be accessed this way, including all the public classes in the Java API. Hyper is a full-fledged object oriented language. It also features strong typing with default parameter values and multiple parameters return from a function call. Hyper supports a rich set of data types related to mathematics and other technical computation, such as Matrix, Vector, Polynomial and several others, in addition to the data types found in a typical programming language. Hyper features a large library of functions, such as Linear Algebra and Statistics, in addition to the basic math functions. Da Vinci is written in Java.